Monday, April 25, 2011


In this passage author Timothy Sexton is simply telling us how reality TV is developing our minds in the minds of our youth in the wrong sense of reality.

He first states “reality TV promoted the old belief that competition is the key to success” which leads our young to believe that hard work, dedication and education is not need to secede in this world. If you want to bring home the big bucks you must constantly be in competition with the next. You have to look good, no talent of any kind needed and respect for your self is definitely not an options.

Sexton finish off his passage by saying the makers of these shows want us to believe that what we see on TV is in fact what makes the world go around go old competition and making a fool of your self and why not? It what keeps us watching, it sells.

I have to agree when author Sexton says, “Probably the single most dangerous message these shows send is that education is completely unnecessary to fulfill the American dream. One need only possess the ability to humiliate oneself on national television, or have absolutely no shame whatsoever”. I watch some of these reality shows and at times say “OMG” cant believe what some people will do for a few bucks.

Take for instant a show called Maury; people come on this show to air out their family business. Most of the times it’s about mothers who don’t know who their baby fathers are. Now, I say to myself how much money can these people be making that they are willing to make fools out of their self’s, at times bodily parts are shown due to fighting and its seems as if they have no shame what so ever. Half the time these girls are not even speaking proper English, guess that says a lot about their education. Now to me I never thought not knowing whom your baby father was, was a cool thing. In my opinion I take that as foolish and a whole lot of unprotected sex. But on this particular show the girls on the show make it seem like its cool why else would they come on TV to do it, that’s just my opinion.

Sexton says “By categorizing these shows as “reality,” the makers are dangerously suggesting that they are replicating society. In fact, they aren’t replicating society as it is, but rather as those in power want people to believe it is”. If this is what they want us to believe is society young girls running around here having unprotected sex, making babies and having no education then god help us all. Reality shows to me are just hyped up forms of real situation made for TV watchers to make their big bucks and that’s all. TV programs (reality shows) should come with a warning sign strictly for entertainment propose only and should not be tried in the real world.

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