Wednesday, March 23, 2011

blog 4

“Hype” by Kale Lasn, in this passage Lasen is simply trying to tell us there is no escaping advertisement. From the moment you open your eyes till the time you close them. Radio and TV are not the same any more a simple song an hour show, they have all turned into more media marketing and less of what you love. Advertisements are everywhere you look. Before they were a little confined, newspaper, stores and maybe even mailed to you, not so publicize. According to Lasen a Company called VideoCart has installed interactive screens on supermarket carts “the most powerful micromarketing medium available today” they were quoted as saying. Ad’s have even taken away some of life’s beautiful scenery. There is never a peaceful moment, advertisements have taken over.

I feel advertisements have good advantages and bad ones; for the most part Ads are very help full to me. In my daily life I am always on the move so whatever quick information I can take in is always good for me. Shopping ad's are great, I love the flyer's you get under you doors, and they keep me aware of all the good deals of the week. Late night TV commercials always seem to get me too. I'm always looking for a quick fix way to lose weight and late night infomercials always intrigue me. Sometimes I feel like a kid in a candy store with all the gadgets they have to sell, always claiming that one product is better than the other. Most of the time it’s a good way of me putting myself to sleep, leaves my brain boggled so confused and dazed can almost do nothing else but rest my eyes to relieve my brain. Now on the down side sometimes it gets a little annoying and troublesome. Watch TV for instant, seems at times you may be getting less of the actual program you turned in to watch and more of nonsense ad's that at the time you really care nothing about and don’t want to see. Sexy ads really get me. For instant me and my younger daughter are walking down the street, she ask me mom why is the lady on the bus has no clothes on and she’s outside? Why are they kissing? I look up to see an ad posted big on the side of the bus. Not knowing what to say I just rushed her along, without even an answer. Sexy ads are the ones I feel should be more confined to certain places of where they can advertise them for that particular reason. I don’t know maybe it’s just me, but I worry about the kind of things that are projected into my daughters mind. Advertisements have a good and bad place in my world; it’s really up to you to decide where it falls in yours.

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