Friday, March 25, 2011

blog 6

Santa Claus
I was a strong believer in this guy; use to try in stay up late to see him, always wonder why no matter how long I did I would never get the chance to meet him. One day I finally stayed up and to my surprise I saw my mom and grandma putting the gifts under the tree. I never told them I saw them I just keep the gig up until they finally gave up or just figured I was just getting to old to be a believer.

Tooth Fairy
I was always a child that didn’t mind losing a tooth, always couldn’t wait to get my dollar. Don’t know if I was more intrigued with the fact of a tooth fairy flying around in my room at night or the actual dollar, maybe it was both. One day I figure i must have fell asleep and my pillow fell of the bed. I caught my grandfather trying to put the pillow back under my head along with the tooth and dollar. He tried to act like he wasn’t doing so but I caught on and his cover was blown, i was so sad After they realize I wasn’t a believer anymore we all just did even exchange a tooth for a dollar via hand. it wasnt as exciting as the tooth fairy fantasy but the dollar was still great

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